Get inspired by the Yonex All England Badminton Championship
Will any Brits grab the win this year? By Katie Garner What better way to get pumped up before a game, or make you want to snatch up your racket, then by watching the pros [...]
Will any Brits grab the win this year? By Katie Garner What better way to get pumped up before a game, or make you want to snatch up your racket, then by watching the pros [...]
Wychelm membership is sky high and packed to capacity By Katie Garner Wychelm has recently enjoyed a massive boom in membership and visitor numbers, now hitting nearly 35 members, compared with the mere twenty-something of [...]
Close but no cigar… By Katie Garner Above: Your Ladies Pairs A team from left to right - Katie and Jess Granted, the Ladies Pairs season hasn’t exactly gone to plan for me and Jess, [...]
Welcome to the world of Wychelm BC! Wychelm Badminton Club is a friendly and fun club based in Romford, Essex. As Club Captain, I thought it would be really great to have an extra space [...]